Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Day 200

Right, so, it won't happen, but it's a thought.  Who doesn't want to be a millionaire or at least have the money to live comfortably and be able to flit off on some island vacation every now and then without first figuring out how many months of the mortgage you can skip before they start foreclosure paperwork. 

Oh shut up.  You've done it - and if you haven't, then you have far too much money to be reading this little poor girl's blog.  Go get a pedicure or something.  Anyway, for those of us who do struggle a bit, my mom found this book and was kind enough to get me a copy...

I don't know if it's any good.  Haven't done anything except glance at it yet.  Hopefully, sometime soon I will be able to read it and see if there are any wise words of wisdom for us hopeless saps.  I'll let ya know what I find out!  Until then, while you're robbing peter to pay paul, how bout you hook me up with a vaca to Hawaii??


  1. Um positive thinking here. You will be a millionaire if you WANT to be.

  2. Well I'll be patiently waiting for your critique of this little gem :D I need to be a millionaire too!

  3. Worry not Jamie, not a day goes by where I don't have a lottery fantasy.
