Thursday, June 23, 2011

You gotta be kidding me...

Day 157

Obviously I can't count, cuz this thing says I have 160 posts, but I only show 157 so I obviously screwed up somewhere.  Whatever.  Anyways, theme of the day - obnoxious rings.  Ok, mine is "cute" or nerdy, dorky, stupid, whatever.  But it made me think of the obnoxious rings I have seen some women wear lately.  I'm not talking teenagers - they get a pass because they are clueless teenagers.  I'm talking about grown women wearing these WAY too big gaudy rings.  What the hell?  Did I miss this fashion trend somewhere?  So, it's "cool" to wear cheap ass looking rings?  Pass.  I'll take a small attractive ring, thanks....or if I'm being a doofus, I'll take one of these...

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