Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Day 107

I am not a nice person.  Anybody who knows me well, knows that I have a nasty side.  I can be down right cruel.  I am also incredibly protective to those that I love.  I would give the shirt off my back if they needed it.  So, I guess I can be nice, but if I don't like you, it's just that simple.  I don't like you.  

I've complained multiple times about the extern we have in the office.  She's an idiot and I don't like her.  We all have quirks and flaws and for the most part, I'm pretty accepting of other people's flaws - IF I like them.  Lord knows, I've got more flaws then most so I don't expect people to be perfect.  Why is it that when we don't like someone, their flaws seem to irritate more?

Anyhoo, this snaggle-toothed freak says "grrrr" all the damn time.  If you ask her a question, she says "grrrrr."  When she stands up to get something she says "grrrrr."  Pretty sure I heard her "grrrrr" walking into the bathroom the other day.  So, this morning, I was being my normal asshole self with the other girls and we were poking fun....rude, I know, but I already said I wasn't nice.  The boss man walked in during one of my mocking "grrrrr" moments.  He gave me the normal "what the hell is wrong with you, Jamie" look and then asked me if I needed a box of Frosted Flakes. I said no, cuz guess what....

1 comment:

  1. Now I look forward to seeing you again so I can growl. I also hope to grow a snaggle-tooth.
