Saturday, April 9, 2011

Poor House

Day 93

Yep, it's not like I didn't already know I was poor.  I know.  Yes, we own our house.  Yes, we have 3 cars.  Yes, we eat out occasionally and we sometimes catch a movie.  Yep, I've even been known to take a vacation - and once or twice, we've taken a family vacation.  The thing is, we're poor.  We aren't dirt poor anymore.  We don't struggle to find the money to feed our family anymore, but we're still poor.  We still have those moments when we wonder how we're going to   pull off the bills.  This whole economic downturn is seriously kicking poor people's asses.  

No, I do not want to get in some kind of political debate.  I'm not interested.  I'm sure rich people "struggle" too, but when your big concern is whether or not to purchase that brand new big ass boat and my big concern is how in the hell I'm going to pay for heat - I don't much give a shit.  Most recently, this is stressing me out...
This isn't even at it's worst.  That's the bad part.  I knew when we bought my car that it would be a gas guzzler.  That said, we needed a bigger vehicle and I wasn't interested in trying a car again.  Hello, you don't get a car much bigger then the Buick and it wasn't big enough for camping.  It's a great car - but we still had the cooler riding on Megan's lap (not really, but you get the point). 

I know gas is a touchy point for everyone and everyone has their views.  I don't need your advice or whatever, I'm just whining - that after all, is still my least for now.

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