Saturday, April 9, 2011

Research and Evaluation

Day 90

So, I started a new class Tuesday.  I was pretty excited about it.  It's called "Research and Evaluation."  Well, for someone who actually enjoys research (sick, I know) I was geeked.  I also enjoy writing papers - I know, I need my head examined.  Anyhoo, I glanced over the books and realized that this class was not exactly what I expected.  It is not research and evaluation like I was thinking.  No, no, no.  This class is all about statistics.  I glanced toward the end of the text and found some seriously scary math problems.  WHAT?!?!?  I thought I was finished with math classes - well except for the accounting classes.  The thing is, the accounting classes don't freak me out - I like that kind of math.  Again, I know I have issues.  This, however, is not the kind of math that I signed up for thank you very much.  *sigh* Let's hope the next 10 weeks goes by fast since I have 4 1/2 more weeks of this class and then I have Research and Eval II.  Oi vey.

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