Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Too. Damn. Busy.

Day 261

Yep, that's my car.  Yep, that's my gas tank and my car bitching at me for having minimal gas in the car.  Here's the thing, I know I shouldn't run it so low, but it's an art I tell ya.  I know exactly how far I can go before I start rolling on fumes.  Why?  Yes we're poor, but we're not THAT poor.  We can afford to put gas in the car, I just forget cuz I'm too damn busy.  Yea, yea, yea, I hear all of you calling me lazy and in the past I might have agreed with you, but not now.

I'm spoiled, I don't pump my own gas.  Someone else does it for me.  Yeah, I'm a princess...what's your effin point?!?

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