Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good grief

Day 11

So, as I stepped out of the shower and looked at the array of garbage on my counter, I started to think.  Yes, I know, scary isn't it?  Anyway, I was thinking to myself that women put themselves through a lot of crap to look good.  Well, some women anyway.  What I don't get is why? I mean, I know why I do it.  I'm an incredibly insecure self-loathing type of person.  I put make up on so as not to scare small children when I go out in public.  I do things with my hair in the hopes that people will look at it instead of at me.  For those occasions when people do make the mistake of looking at me, I put extra make up on my eyes in hopes that they will look only at my eyes and no where else. 

The thing is, I am pretty sure the majority of women out there are not insecure freaks such as myself.  So, why?  The worst part is, that picture shows only the "bare essentials."  As in, that is my normal "I'm not doing anything major" or "I'm going to work" equipment (minus the hair dryer as the counter wasn't big enough to squeeze that in there).  If I were going out, such as for a party or something along those lines, I would have to have a much larger camera to fit all of the paraphernalia in the photo. 

Maybe someday I will be one of those women who is happy with herself as is.  Maybe I will be able to look ini the mirror and not want to throw a large brick at it or spray paint black paint all over it.  I mean, hey, if Michael Jackson can die white, it's all possible isn't it?

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