Sunday, June 5, 2011


Day 135

Megan has some crazy friends.  For the most part, I love them.  Some I love more than others.  At a track meet recently, one of her friends was "starving."  So, I gave said child a couple bucks and she went to get some snacks.  I had to laugh because she does the same thing I do.  Yes, I realize what I'm about to tell you will just reinforce the fact that everyone thinks I'm a big kid and I don't care.  

When I have a food or drink that I am afraid someone is going to want to steal, I lick it.  Again, I know this is juvenile, but damn STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY FOOD/DRINK!  Anyway, this particular child got some airheads and her lovely friends (probably my daughter) felt the need to try and steal them.  

Said child then licked the wrapper.  I laughed because it was so like me, but then she took it to a whole new level.  She stuck the airheads down the back of her sweats.  My question to her then was, does that make them buttheads now?

Here is said wrapper after the airhead/butthead had been consumed.

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