Sunday, March 13, 2011

Clog the arteries, baby...

Day 63

I know that I'm fat and out of shape.  I know that I need to lose weight.  I know that I need to eat right and exercise.  But DAY-UM....there are times when I just want some nasty ole greasy disgusting food.  So, I had some...
Yep, nasty stringy french fries with melted cheese and bacon on top, dipped in ranch.  That crap sunk right to the bottom of my stomach and frickin sat there for HOURS.  It was totally worth it.  Every last one of those 2000 calories was greatly appreciated.  I didn't even care that my jeans were no longer going to fit right at that moment...I was truly in heaven...


1 comment:

  1. I'll take an order minus the meat and ranch ;)
    When shall I be expecting this delivery? Oh and I don't have any ones for tipping so... catch ya next time LOL
