Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fun at the Mall

Day 96

I hate shopping.  I cannot stand "window shopping."  I get absolutely bored out of my mind (and a bit bitchy) if I have to spend a lot of time in a store/mall.  When I go shopping, it's with a purpose.  I'm either going for something specific for me or for someone else.  I get in and get out.  Phil and Megan are a different type.  The two of them could shop for hours.  As a matter of act, Phil once spent almost 3 hours in a Home Depot.  Looking at what, I have no clue...the store is not that big, but whatever. 

That is not to say that I do not like going to the mall.  I do - but again, only if there is a reason.  Today, Meg and I were at the mall with a good friend of mine.  Unfortunately, we walked through Macy's which is usually incredibly bad for my checking account.  What's worse is that we had to walk past the shoe department.  I am definitely a typical girl where shoes are concerned.  I do not think it is possible for a girl to own too many shoes. One can never ever have too many.  

Anyhoo, I refrained from purchasing anything, but that didn't stop us from farting around a bit.  I guess, sometimes shopping can be fun...

Side note:  Damn that child is beautiful....

1 comment:

  1. Why yes, yes she is. Could be you don't like to shop because your mother was not a great one for hanging at the mall. Just went when something was needed and got what she wanted and left.
