Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mac vs Anything else

Day 92

So, I've had my new toy for a week now.  I know there is so much more for me to learn and explore, but at this point, I can tell you, if I had the option (read:  money) I would equip my house with Macs.  I LOVE this computer.  I love the ease in which I can do things.  I love the nifty little gadgets it has for me to play with - and the thing is, I'm not even talking about games.  I glanced at the App store a couple of times, but I really have no urge to install any games on here.  What do I need them for?  There's so many other sweet things on this computer, I have no interest in games.  Nevermind that I can play games on facebook.  

I'm still trying to figure out how to sort my pictures.  I found this sweet spot that I can create my own website.  I have the calendar for April all updated and even considered buying the family share thingy so that the calendar could be synced to Meg and Phil's iPods - have decided to pass on that for now.  I've edited multiple pictures and messed around with the photo booth.  I've taken more pictures of me in the past week then I have in years. 

As far as this girl is concerned - Mac > any other computer.