Sunday, February 27, 2011

Now THAT makes for a good day...

Day 55

Spring is coming.  How do I know?  Because I always get the urge to play my guitar when spring is coming.  Today I dusted off the amp (sorta - as in with my sleeve) pulled out the Green Day book and decided to play.  I LOVE my guitar.  I did determine, however, that I am definitely lacking in the music department.  Technically, I can play just about any instrument and I can play them well.  TECHNICALLY.   Phil and I were talking about it though, and I wish in some ways I was more like him.  He sits down and just goes crazy.  It doesn't matter that he doesn't have a clue what he's playing or that sometimes it sounds less than stellar.  He just let's go.  It's like a loss of control - just let it fly.  Yeah, I am physically unable to do that.  It bugs the hell out of me.  I would love to be able to just forget all the technical bullshit and jam, but I can't.  It annoys me if I play a note that is off.  It bugs me if I'm off the beat even a tiny bit.  I don't like not knowing exactly what I'm doing.  In some ways, it's just like my life.  I know I'm a control freak.  I know I should probably let go a bit more.  That's hard, though.  I prefer the control.  So, along with having a great good time playing, I learned a bit about myself.  Not so sure it was anything I wanted to learn, but I did.

1 comment:

  1. Pretend you are improvising a solo for jazz band. You can do that and it allows you to let go.
    I cannot understand where you get that control stuff from....just listen to the first words of one of Anne Murray's songs: I'm strong, I'm sure, I'm in control. The lady with a plan. Believing that life is a neat little package I hold in my hand. I've got it together, they call me the girl who knows just what to say and do...
